Sunday, May 3, 2009

Crunch Time!

It's only been a month since my last post, but it feels like years. The end of the semester was super crazy, and I've had to move right from school to preparing to leave.

I fly out Thursday! I have four more days to finish doing everything necessary to move to another country for the summer. I can't even believe it is here, I have been waiting for this for ten years and now here it is. I feel like I am at the top of the high dive, peering down at the water meters below. All that excitement mingled with the sheer terror of jumping. Oh well, too late to change my mind now, and I'll never forgive myself if I do.

I've received some scholarship money that should help out with my expenses, but I am still waiting to hear from the CDS Scholarship Fund. It's really making me nervous, the bulk of my funding is supposed to come from them, and I still have no idea how much they will be able to offer. I just have to hope it's enough, or I guess I'll be living in a cardboard box for the summer.

My parents are coming over today to help me pack up the apartment, and I'm heading to their house either tonight or Tuesday...hopefully Tuesday, there's still too much I need to do here. There's a going-away party Tuesday night, then Wednesday to do final shopping and packing, and then it's off to the airport Thursday. There's a 98% chance I won't sleep at all Wednesday night. Oh well, it will make it easier to sleep on the plane I guess. I get in to Frankfurt at the crack of dawn Friday, and I hope to make it to Erlangen in time to apply for a room in the Studentenwerk, with any luck I'll be able to move in Monday. I've still got to book a room at the hostel for the weekend, but hopefully all will be well and I can relax and explore the city next weekend.

Next weekend! I will be in Germany next weekend. I'm not sure how long this is supposed to take to sink in, but I'm starting to think it won't hit me until I'm on the plane coming home in August that I actually lived in Germany. One more big step towards my lofty goals.

Incomplete To Do List:
-Put together photo album
-Start flickr photostream
-Buy outlet converter (or three)
-Shop for clothes
-Complete paperwork for apartment
-Get a photo for student ID
-Decide what I am taking
-Cut that in half
-Reduce by half again, hope it all fits
-Figure out how to pay for the first few weeks
-Reassure mother I will not be murdered, maimed, lost, or sold in to slavery
-Repeat the previous at least fifty times
-Finish collecting important addresses
-Finish setting up cat-related things for my sister
-Say goodbye to the kitties one million times
-Put computer back together
-[Insert panic here]

Anyway, until next time!

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