Friday, May 8, 2009

Day of Travel Pt. 2 - Across the Atlantic

1:00 am, Friday, May 8 (7:00 am German time)

I haven't moved in 6 hours. In that time I have watched Twilight and The Reader, slept for maybe an hour, eaten a surprisingly delicious brownie and a suspicious tasting chicken dish. We're supposed to be in Frankfurt in an hour and a half, which seems relatively short, but I know it will be another eternity before I stand up. Breakfast is being served now.

1:47 am, Friday, May 8

Had breakfast 40,000 ft above Bristol, now we're flying over Belguim. I can't wait to get off this plane, even though a whole mess of challenges await me when I do. First, get my luggage (praying it made it on the plane with me), then to the ATM, then either buy a cell phone or head to the train station. Maybe figure out if there is free wifi anywhere. Then it is off to Erlangen, where I need to check in to my room and (hopefully) find someone at the Studentenwerk to talk to. Then, in all likelyhood, it will be time to pass out, because I am already wiped from five hours of sleep in the past 48 hours.

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